*.83_1_John.txt* xxx " vim: filetype=help foldmethod=marker modifiable noreadonly =================================================================================================== English-Greek Bible: 85_2_John.txt Copyright (c), 2016 Darrell H. Smith, , (2016/11/08) Freely released under GPL 3.0 license =================================================================================================== {{{ ~ }}} Glossary (select) {{{ ~ υιος a mature son, being fully capable of continuing his father's work. αγαπη fatherly disciplining, i.e. disciplining to develop family, aka love. γινωσκω ; (perf) have come to know. }}} ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ Α opening comments (abstract) {{{ ~ Yahweh Gives I - See Ye a Son! (Reuben) The Son to see is Jesus Christ (Yahweh saves anointed = "I am enwrapping around and preserving anointed"). His anointing will smear onto you -- to enwrap and preserve you fresh -- when you reach out and touch Him. }}} Chapter 1 {{{ ~ Announcing the Enduring Putting On of Christ to Enwrap and Preserve In His Shared Cheer (Χαρα) {{{ ~ 1 What was from determination (απ αρχης, not απ της αρχης) -- what we have heard (perf.), what we have seen (εωρακαμεν, perf.) by our eyes, what we observed closely and intently (εθεασαμεθα, aor.) and our hands twitched touching fingers to feel (εψηλαφησαν, aor.) * (cf. δια [etsba] hebrew ) -- concerning the message (not an announcement, αγγελια, but the actual subject matter, περι του λογου) of the putting on of Christ (της ζωης) 2 -- and the putting on of Christ was manifiested and we have seen (perf.) and are testifying to and announcing off to y'all the enduring putting on of Christ (την ζωην αιωνιον) which One was where the Father was (προς τον πατερα) and manifested to us; 3 what we have seen (perf.) and have heard (perf.), we are announcing off also to y'all -- so that y'all too may be having mutual sharing (κοινωνιαν) with us; and indeed our mutual sharing (is) with what is of (μετα, not συν) the Father and with what is of His mature son (του υιου αυτου, being fully capable of doing his father's work) Jesus Christ (Yahweh saves anointed = "I am enwrapping around and preserving anointed") -- 4 and we are writing these things so that our cheer may be made replete (perf. pass., having been filled). comments (v1-4) {{{ ~ 1 Tim 3:16 And undisputably, great is the mystery of goodly reverence (of God): Who was manifested in flesh, proven righteous in spirit, seen by messengers, heralded in nations, fed upon in arraying fashion (επιστευθη εν κοσμω), taken up in expression (ανελημφθη εν δοξη). }}} }}} God is Light {{{ ~ 5 This is the announcement (αγγελια) which we have heard (perf.) from Him and are re-announcing (αναγγελλομεν) to y'all, > "God is light and in Him is no shadiness at all!" }}} Be Walking in the Light, the Life of His Son {{{ ~ αμαρτια not bear what was alloted, not testify to what was observed, inability to do as He would, aka. sin. ομολογεω speaking in accordance to, acknowledging, aka. confessing. ποιεω do or make; properly, relates to a single act; πρασσω (practice) is continuous or habitual. εαν (conj.) if ever, if; (εαν + subj. verb), if ever we might, when we. when we <- if ever we might, εαν + subj. verb. 6 When we're walking around in the shadiness and say we're having mutual sharing with what is of Him, we're deceiving ourselves (ψευδομεθα, mid.) and not doing The Truth (i.e. walking in reality, walking in the light); 7 but when we're walking around in the light -- just as He, Himself, is in the light -- we're having mutual sharing with what is of others of the same sort (αλληλων) and the blood (spiritual life incarnate) of His mature son (του υιου αυτου) Jesus ("I am enwrapping around and preserving"), totally cleanses us from all inabilities to do as He would (αμαρτιας); 8 when we say we aren't having inability to do as He would, we're deceiving ourselves and The Truth isn't in us (no reality, no light); 9 when we're speaking in accordance to (i.e. acknowledging, ομολογωμεν) our inabilities to do as He would, He is faithful and just to send off (αφιημι) these inabilities and clear us utterly from all wrong; 10 when we say we've always done as He would (ουχ ημαρτηκαμεν, perf., aka. haven't ever sinned), we make Him (out as) a liar and His message isn't in us. }}} }}} Chapter 2 {{{ ~ Jesus Christ, Our Advocate to Restore Good Humor When We Fail to Do as He Would {{{ ~ 1 My little children (τεκνια μου), I'm writing y'all these things so y'all might do as He would. (ινα μη αμαρτητε, so y'all might not not do as He would). * (ινα συνεσις καλη, i.e. Ιωαννης ευθειας ποιει τας τριβους κυριου, cf. Mk. 1:3, Mk. 1:1-4) ευθυς placed/set advantageously But when anyone doesn't do as He would, we always have (εχομεν, pres.) an advocate called to side you (παρακλητον) towards the Father -- equitably just (δικαιος) Jesus Christ ("I am enwrapping around and preserving anointed"); *2 and He, himself, is an expiating propitiation (ιλασμος, an appeasement to restore good humor, cf. hilarity) concerning our inabilities to do as He would -- not just ours but also the entire world system's. (This covers all humanity in two groups: we who have been called out of the world system and those still in it.) }}} Be Treasuring Up His Instructions and Message to Walk About as He Did {{{ ~ 3 And this is how we know (pres.) that we have come to know (perf.) Him -- if ever we might be treasuring up His instructions; 4 anyone not treasuring up (μη τηρων) His instructions saying (λεγων) "I have come to know (perf.) Him" is a liar covering up the real situation and the truth isn't in him; 5 but God's fatherly disciplining (αγαπη) has been completed certainly in whoever may be treasuring up His message -- this is how we know we're in Him; 6 anyone claiming (λεγων) to be abiding in Him should be walking about just as He did. note: logos in us to express logia of God, CPU instructions energeia }}} What is True in Him is True in Y'all {{{ ~ 7 Αγαπητοι, I'm not writing a new instruction to y'all but an old one which we used to have (impf.) from determination -- the old instruction is the message which y'all heard; note: OT do as commanded! aka. law. 8 I'm re-writing a new instruction to y'all because the shadiness is being slipped aside (παραγεται, pres. pass.) and the true light is already shining: > "what is true in Him is true in y'all", note: NT divine influence on the heart, growing into Christ, aka grace. 9 }}} xxx }}} ---