The Resurgence Greek Project Behavioral Model
i Table of Contents
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Abstract
- 1.2 Code Vault
- 1.3 Conventions Used in this Document
- 1.4 Resources
- 1.4.1 Lexicons
- 1.4.2 Texts
- 1.4.3 Translations
- 1.5 Features
- 1.5.1 User Features
- 1.5.2 Analysis Tools
- 1.5.3 Web Tools for Designers
- 1.5.4 New Interface
- 2.1 Main Toolbar
- 2.2 Left Sidebar
- 2.3 Browser Address Bar
- 2.4 Daily Reading
- 2.5 Translations this Week
- 2.6 Standard Footer
- 3.1 Home
- 3.2 Tutorial
- 3.3 Concordance
- 3.4 Advanced Search
- 3.5 Bible
- 3.5.1 No Variables
- 3.5.2 Bible Browser
- 3.5.3 Variables: Source, Verseref
- Book Display Interface
- Parallel Displays of Verses
- Tandem Navigation Buttons
- Chooser Form
- Vocabulary List
- 3.6.1 Variable: Find
- Find by Definition
- Find by Stong’s Number, Unicode, Betacode
- Find by Word Number
- 3.6.2 Variable: Root
- 3.6.3 Variables: Word, Root, Number
- 3.6.4 Variable: Word
- 4.1 Study-intro
- 4.2 Bookdetail
- 4.2.1 No Variables
- 4.2.2 Variables: Book, Source
- Show Improbable Phrases
- Show Infrequent Words
- 4.4.1 No Variables
- 4.4.2 Variables: Book|startchapter,startverse,endchapter,endverse|
- 4.4.3 Variables: Book, Freq
- 4.4.4 Variables: Book, Freq, Flip=true
- 4.5.1 No Variables
- 4.5.2 Variables: Book, Chapter, Verse, Source, ...
- 5.1 Extras
- 5.2 Blog/zhubert
- 5.3 Betacode
- 5.4 Customize
- 5.5 Usage
- 5.6 Todo
- 5.6.1 Review Source
- 5.6.2 Review Lex
- 6.1 Node/add
- 6.2 User/username
- 6.3 Logout
- 6.4 User
- 7.1 XML Interface
- 7.2 Daily Passage
- 7.2.1 Javascript Daily Passage
- 7.2.2 Flash Daily Passage
- 7.2.3 Google Daily Passage
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Abstract
Functionality of The Resurgence Greek Project website is to be incorporated in a new design. This document is an implementation-free description of the user-observable functioning of this website. This functional description is to inform the design of the Open Scriptures project, the goal of which is to provide a superset of this webite’s functionality. The operations can then be incorporated in the new design as and when desired.
1.2 Code Vault
Many of the web pages, CSS files, and Javascript files referenced in this document have been copied to a pages directory for your reference. The filenames have an appended .htm extension. The CSS URLS in some of the .htm files have been changed from the original so that they render as they should -- other files have not been changed.
1.3 Conventions Used in this Document
There is a link to each page of the website in the appropriate section.
/... a page’s address relative to NOTE a general informational note, e.g. a broken link; or a note for a subsequent requirements document, i.e., something TODO (link) indicates an external link (this is rarely used) |optional| indicates an optional expression
NOTE: page means a URL (e.g. /word) behind which lurks a script. Depending on the variables passed to the script on invocation, it may display any number of actual display pages to the observer. We don't like developing a functional description by tagging it with programming constructs such as this, but we must do so in order to sort everything out on this site.
1.4 Resources
1.4.1 Lexicons
User Lexicon -- user contributed -- developed from a seed lexicon from The Perseus Digital Library.
1.4.2 Texts
- MorphGNT
- MorphLXX -- developed by Zack Hubert from the CATSS original
- Tischendorf Codex
- Hebrew -- ???
- Graphical Text -- ???
- Codex Sinaiticus -- show links directly to the early manuscript Codex Sinaiticus.
1.4.3 Translations
- New American Standard
- King James
- English Standard
- NET Bible
1.5 Features
1.5.1 User Features
- Create and view your own translation
- Contribute to the User Lexicon
- Contribute to Correcting the Sources
1.5.2 Analysis Tools
Textual Criticism -- show variant readings in the original manuscripts.
Related Verses -- search the whole bible for other verses that might be like this one
(very good at finding the LXX in the GNT).
Bgreek Translit -- show the Greek verse translitered for easy cut/paste for the b-greek emailing list.
Rare Words -- ???
1.5.3 Web Tools for Designers
- XML interface
- javascript daily passage
- flash daily passage
- google daily passage
- remote passage chooser
- flash remote interface plugin
1.5.4 New Interface
Textual Criticism | -- show variant readings in the original manuscripts. |
Related Verses | -- search the whole bible for other verses that might be like this one |
(very good at finding the LXX in the GNT). | |
Bgreek Translit | -- show the Greek verse translitered for easy cut/paste for the b-greek emailing list. |
Rare Words | -- ??? |
2.0 Top-level Interface
Τοῦτο ἐστί τὸ εἶδος· a list of screen tools, widgets, and components which specifies web pages they invoke and variables they pass:
2.1 Main Toolbar
Tutorial link | -> tutorial page (no variables) | PAGE DEACTIVATED! |
Concordance link | -> concordance page (no variables) | PAGE DEACTIVATED! |
Search link | -> asearch page (no variables) | PAGE DEACTIVATED! |
Read the Bible link | -> bible page (no variables) | PAGE DEACTIVATED! |
2.2 Left Sidebar
- Bible Browser
- source drop down list
- verse selection box
- Help? link -> tutorial-verseref page (no variables)
- View button -> bible page (GET variables: source, verseref)
- Word Finder
- word selection box
- Find button -> word page (POST variable find)
- Login Name
- study link
-> study-intro page (no variables)
- bookstudy link -> bookdetail page (no variables)
- flashcard link -> flashcard page (no variables) DISABLED!
- vocab lists -> bookvocab page (no variables)
- bookmark -> bookmark page (no variables)
- extras link
-> extras page (no variables)
- blog link -> blog/zhubert page (no variables)
- converter link -> betacode page (no variables) BROKEN!
- customize link -> customize page (no variables)
- usage link -> usage page (no variables)
- zack’s to-do list -> todo page (no variables)
- create content link -> /node/add page (no variables) RESTRICTED ACCESS!
- my account link -> /user/username page (no variables)
- logout link -> logout page (no variables)
- study link
-> study-intro page (no variables)
- Daily Reading
- Translations this Week
2.3 Browser Address Bar
-[UNICODE] -- when you know only the root
-[UNICODE] -- when you know the precise form
2.4 Daily Reading
March 20
ἐκέλευσεν ὁ χιλίαρχος ...
2.5 Translations this Week
2.6 Standard Footer
zhubert - timestamp (when page was last modified?)
Copyright 2004-2009 Zack Hubert
ἡ μὲν χεὶρ ἡ γράψασα σήψεται τάφῷ γραφὴ δὲ μένει εἰς χρόνους πληρεστάτους
3.0 Main Pages
3.1 Home
The home page heartily welcomes the visitor and encourages him to check out the Tutorial.
NOTE: /node also has the same page or is linked to it.
3.2 Tutorial
3.3 Concordance
The concordance page [cf. tutorial-concordance] has the following interface:
- topmost strip -- find a word by the first letter
- second strip -- find a word by the first two letters
- Search by definition box -- find a word by English definition
- Most Needed button -- submit a definition for an undefined word
NOTE: the concordance page has been deactivated. There is no way to completely model its behavior!
TODO: finish up this page. It has a link to the word page.
3.4 Advanced Search
The asearch page [cf. tutorial-word-search]
NOTE: the asearch page has been deactivated. There is no way to completely model its behavior!
TODO: finish up this page.
3.5 Bible
The bible page [cf. tutorial-open-bible, tutorial-parallel ] is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables Tutorial main toolbar Read the Bible link -> none left sidebar Bible Browser form -> GET: source, verseref any web page remote passage chooser -> GET: source, verseref tutorial-chooser bookdetail page verse reference link -> URL: source, book, chapter, verse
NOTE: the bible page has been deactivated. There is no way to completely model its behavior! However, here is a static copy (with no variables) for your viewing enjoyment.
3.5.1 No Variables
When invoked without variables the following defaults are provided internally:
verseref="Matthew 1:1"
3.5.2 Bible Browser
The Bible Browser form can also be used to provide these two variables. It looks like this:
Jn 3:16-21(Help?)
The help? link, is the tutorial-verseref page, which describes:
- accepted verse abbreviations for the Bible Browser verse selection box
- names of books and variations
- included Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical Texts
3.5.3 Variables: Source, Verseref Book Display Interface
When the source is Greek, the page begins with a book display interface that looks like this:
Matthew 1 βίβλος γενέσεως Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ υἱοῦ Δαυὶδ υἱοῦ Ἀβραάμ
with the following components, web pages they invoke, and variables they pass:
Component -> Web Page Variables Tutorial book title link -> bookdetail page URL: book, source tutorial-book-detail book,chapter,verse heading link -> bookmark page URL: book, chapter,verse, source, tutorial-custom altsources, altbooks,altchapters, altverses verses verse word tooltips verse word link -> word page URL: word, root, number tutorial-word-detail verse navigation buttons -> self GET values: ’<’ and ’>’
The verse word tooltips are activated at mouseover. The provide:
- word definitions from the user lexicon
- parsing data
- Strong’s dictionary definitions
The script wz_tooltip.js provides tooltip functionality. It is implemented like this:
<script language="JavaScript"
The verse navigation buttons single-step backwards or forwards through the verses. Parallel Displays of verses
Beside the first book display interface can be parallel displays of verses from additional books. There can be multiple side-by-side displays, each with its own book display interface with separate navigation buttons and an additional hide button to abort a particular book display interface. Tandem Navigation Buttons
To single-step through parallel verses in tandem, the following tandem navigation buttons are provided: Chooser Form
The following chooser form is used to activate additional parallel verse displays:
You can select any of the following sources:
Greek -- choose another passage in Greek to display next to this one. Tischendorf -- show the Tischendorf codex. Textual Criticism -- show variant readings in the original manuscripts. Codex Sinaiticus -- show links directly to the early manuscript Codex Sinaiticus. Hebrew -- ??? New American Standard -- show the NASB translation. King James -- show the KJV translation. English Standard -- show the ESV translation. NET Bible -- show the NET Bible translation. Bgreek Translit -- show the Greek verse translitered for easy cut/paste for the b-greek emailing list. Related Verses -- search the whole bible for other verses that might be like this one (very good at finding the LXX in the GNT). Rare Words -- ??? My Translation -- show your own translation. Create Translation -- create your own translation...more on this later. ???? Graphical Text -- ??? Vocabulary List
There is a vocabulary list link at the bottom:
Produce a vocabulary list from this passage
which invokes the bookvocab page with the variables book, startchapter, startverse, endchapter, endverse.
3.5.4 Variables: Source, Book, Chapter, Verse
This is the same as passing the variables source and verseref -- the latter variable having been expanded into book, chapter, verse.
3.6 Word
The word page [cf. tutorial-word-detail, tutorial-word-search] is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables left sidebar Word Finder form Find button -> POST: find bookdetail page root reference link -> URL: root bookvocab page root reference link -> URL: root word page find by definition list root reference link -> URL: root bible page verse word link -> URL: word, root, number
Browser address bar URL Application[UNICODE] -- when you know only the root = root reference link[UNICODE] -- when you know the precise form
NOTE: the terminology use on this site needs to be improved. The distinction between word and root as it is used here is not really precise. A noun such as λόγος has a verbal root λεγώ. For nouns, the root being referred to on this site is the uninflected form of the noun, while word is generally an inflected form. It appears that root is being used synomonously with a Strong’s numbered word. Also NOTE that unicode is not processed right and errors occur.
3.6.1 Variable: Find
The Word Finder form in the left sidebar is used to set the find variable and transmit it to the word page. The form looks like this:
Search by Definition, Strong's Number, Unicode, Betacode, or Word Number
The variable can be up to 15 characters long and may be in one of the following formats:
Format Name Type Example Definition English chars apple /word?find=apple Strong’s Number number 3056 /word?find=3056 Unicode unicode λόγος /word?find=λόγος Betacode betacode logos /word?find=logos Word Number number 637433 /word?find=637433 Find by Definition
The English word pattern is grepped for in the User Dictionary definitions field and a list of root reference links and User Dictionary definitions for matches is produced which looks like this:
Word Detail
Found by Definition
Uses Word Definition 2 ποικίλως many-coloured, spotted, mottled, pied, dappled Find by Strong’s Number, Unicode, Betacode
These are three methods to find what is called a root by this site. They have the same result as a root reference link (i.e., word page with the variable root) except that the word detail table has one of the following captions:
- Found by Strong’s Number
- Found by Unicode
- Found by Betacode Find by Word Number
This is used to find what is called a word by this site. It uses the sequential index of a word in the MorphGNT to display information about it. For instance John 1:1 is
Word Number Root POS and Definition ἐν 637429 ἐν Preposition ---- in, by, with (dat.) ἀρχῇ 637430 ἀρχή Noun ---- DativeSingularFeminine-a beginning... ἦν 637431 εἰμί Verb3rdPersonImperfectActiveIndicative-Singular-to be... ὁ 637432 ὁ Article----NominativeSingularMasculine-the, that λόγος 637433 λόγος Noun----NominativeSingularMasculine-word,...
The table column Number is the sequential index or word number. This method, find by word number, has the same result as a verse word link (variables: word, root, number) except that it has the following table caption: Found by Number.
3.6.2 Variable: Root
A root reference link invokes the word page with the variable root. It has the same display as Find by Strong’s Number, Unicode, or Betacode but with no table caption. When displayed, it looks like this with a word detail table having an improve lexicon link, a link to the Perseus Word Study Tool, a link to Strongs Greek at, a link to Thayers at Crosswalk and links to LSJ and Middle Liddell lexicons at Perseus:
Word Detail
Found by Method Lemma Lexical Entry λόγος (1523) word, expression, account, rational principle, in John 1:1-18 ... ![]()
Related Words None found. Strongs # 3056 something said (including the thought); by implication, a topic (subject of discourse) ... Thayers at Crosswalk Thayer's LSJ (from Perseus) Middle Liddell (from Perseus)
Next are Lemma Occurences Graphs. These are a series of bar chart graphs showing the number of occurences of the lemma for each book of the bible (only one example chart is shown below). Click a book (or bar) for occurrences in each chapter. NOTE: the code for this is broken or disabled!
Next are two links to the study page:
See all texts where this lemma appears (NT only)
Finally, there is a lemma forms occurrence table with verse word links for the forms.
Forms for this lemma Parsing Occurrences λόγον Accusative Singular Masculine 371 λόγος Nominative Singular Masculine 315 λόγους Accusative Plural Masculine 305 λόγων Genitive Plural Masculine 177 λόγοις Dative Plural Masculine 102 λόγοι Nominative Plural Masculine 93 λόγῳ Dative Singular Masculine 93 λόγου Genitive Singular Masculine 66 λόγε Vocative Singular Masculine 1 Middle Liddell and LSJ Lexicons used by Permission of the Perseus Projects (
3.6.3 Variables: Word, Root, Number
A verse word link invokes the word page with the variables word, root, number. When displayed, it looks like this with a word detail table having a root reference link, redundant improve source links and one improve lexicon link, several links to the Perseus Word Study Tool, a display of the context verse associated with number, a link to Strongs Greek at, a link to Thayers at Crosswalk and links to LSJ and Middle Liddell lexicons at Perseus:
Word Detail Word/Inflected Form Lemma Part of Speech Lexical Entry λόγον (371) ![]()
λόγος (1523) ![]()
Noun ![]()
word, expression, account, ... ![]()
Parsing Accusative Singular Masculine ![]()
Related Words None found. Context in Exodus 33:17 ![]()
καὶ τοῦτόν σοι τὸν ... ὃν εἴρηκας ποιήσω εὕρηκας Strongs # 3056 something said .... Thayers at Crosswalk Thayer's LSJ (from Perseus) Middle Liddell (from Perseus)
Next comes a lemma forms table:
Masculine Singular Plural Nominative λόγος λόγοι Genitive λόγου λόγων Dative λόγῳ λόγοις Accusative λόγον λόγους Vocative λόγε
Feminine Singular Plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Vocative
Neuter Singular Plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Vocative
Next is a set of Word Occurences Graphs in a column to the left of a set of Lemma Occurences Graphs in a right hand column. These are series of bar chart graphs showing the number of occurences of the word or lemma for each book of the bible (only one pair of example charts is shown below). Click a book (or bar) for occurrences in each chapter. NOTE: the code for this is broken or disabled!
Click book (or bar) for occurrences in each chapter ![]()
At the bottom of these graphs are four links to the study page:
See all texts where this word appears (NT only) See all texts where this lemma appears (NT only)
3.6.4 Variable: Word
Using the browser address bar to insert a URL like[UNICODE] causes the following displays:
First, a word detail table, which is an incomplete stub. It has invalid improve source links, a link to the Perseus Word Tool, an invalid link to it, and links to LSJ and Middle Liddell
Word Detail Word/Inflected Form Lemma Part of Speech Lexical Entry λόγον (371) ![]()
(0) ![]()
Parsing ![]()
Related Words None found. LSJ (from Perseus) Middle Liddell (from Perseus)
Next is a set of Word Occurences Graphs, which are a series of bar chart graphs showing the number of occurences of the word for each book of the bible (only one example chart is shown below). Click a book (or bar) for occurrences in each chapter. NOTE: the code for this is broken or disabled!
Click book (or bar) for occurrences in each chapter ![]()
At the bottom of these graphs are four links to the study page:
These on the right are useless and have no purpose See all texts where this word appears (NT only) See all texts where this lemma appears (NT only)
3.7 Improve Lexicon
The improve-lexicon page is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables word page improve-lexicon link -> URL: root
It looks like this:
Correct the Lexicon
Lemma Current Entry Proposed Entry λόγος word, expression, account, rational principle ...
The correct the lexicon form will submit a proposed correction to the submit-lex page, resulting in either an error message for faulty submissions or the following acknowlegement display:
Lexicon Change Submitted
Letting the editor know that there are entries to review...
Thank you for updating the lexicon. Your suggestion will be reviewed and entered promptly
3.8 Improve Source
The improve-source page is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables word page improve-source link -> URL: number
It looks like this:
Correct the Source
Number Form Root PoS Parsing 66768 ἀκαθαρσιῶν ἀκαθαρσία N- ----GPF-
Select Where Equals And set Equal to Some helpful hints...if you want to change only this particular occurrence, refer to it by number...otherwise your change will effect every occurrence. As far as the coding to use for Part of Speech and Parsing...
Part of speech:
- A- adjective
- C- conjunction
- D- adverb
- I- interjection
- N- noun
- P- proposition
- RA article
- RD demonstrative
- RI interrogative/indefinite pronoun
- RP personal/possessive pronoun
- RR relative pronoun
- V- verb
- X- particle
Eight slots for parsing:
- Person: 1, 2, 3
- Tense: Aorist, Future, Imperfect, Present, X-perfect, Y-pluperfect
- Voice: Active, Middle, Passive
- Mood: D-imperative, Indicative, N-infinitive, O-optative, P-participle, S-subjunctive
- Case: Accusative, Dative, Genitive, Nominative, Vocative
- Number: Plural, Singular
- Gender: Feminine, Masculine, Neuter
- Degree: Comparative, Superlative
The correct the source form will submit a proposed correction to improve source page resulting in either an error message for faulty submissions or an acknowlegement display.
3.9 Study
The study page is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables word page occurrences bar chart word study link -> URL: word,onlybook word page bottom left all texts word study link -> URL: word word page bottom left NT only word study link -> URL: word,onlygnt=true word page bottom right all texts lemma study link -> URL: root word page bottom right NT only lemma study link -> URL: root,onlygnt=true
NOTE: these pages are all broken or disabled
4.0 Study Pages
4.1 Study-intro
The study-intro page is basically a stub with the following text:
Study Options select another item from the menu on the left
4.2 Bookdetail
The bookdetail page [cf. tutorial-book-detail] is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables left sidebar study panel bookstudy link -> none bible page book title link -> URL: book,source
4.2.1 No Variables
When invoked without variables it displays this book select form:
Please Select a Book
4.2.2 Variables: Book, Source
Once a book is selected, or when invoked from the bible page with URL variables, the following appears:
Book Overview
Book Overview is a heading and a graphical analysis of word forms by person, gender, etc.
The change slice button is used to change the analysis and get a new graph. Show Improbable Phrases
The Show Improbable Phrases button will bring up a bookdetail page with a list of improbable phrases found in the Book. Each improbable prase will be displayed like this with a list of verse reference links to the bible page (with URL variables source, book, chapter, verse):
Phrase Frequency References βασιλεία ὁ οὐρανός 32 3:2 4:17 5:3 ... Show Infrequent Words
The Show Infrequent Words button will bring up a bookdetail page with a list of infrequent words found in the Book. Each infrequent word will be displayed like this with a root reference link to the word page (with URL variable root):
Lemma Frequency Definition κἀκεῖ 10 there, in that place (formed from crasis of καὶ + ἐκεῖ )
4.3 Flashcard
The flashcard page is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables left sidebar study panel flashcard link -> none
When invoked without variables it displays this frequency select form:
What's the minimum frequency (occurrences in GNT) to use as a criterion for selection? (try 50, for instance)
NOTE: THE CODE THAT HANDLES THIS FORM IS EITHER BROKEN OR DISABLED! There is no way to completely model its behavior!
TODO: finish up this page.
4.4 Bookvocab
The bookvocab page is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables left sidebar study panel bookvocab link -> none self -> POST: book self -> POST: book,startchapter,startverse,endchapter,endverse bible page vocabulary list link -> URL: book,startchapter,startverse,endchapter,endverse self -> URL: book, freq self -> URL: book, freq, flip
4.4.1 No Variables
When invoked without variables it displays this book select form:
Please Select a Book
Or a Range within a Book
4.4.2 Variables: Book |startchapter,startverse,endchapter,endverse|
Submitting the book select form produces a table of frequency sorted vocabulary lists that looks like this:
Number of Lemma Common Words Uncommon Words Percent Coverage 3 More than 20 Less than 20 24
4.4.3 Variables: Book, Freq
Selecting a More than 20 link produces a bookvocab page with a list of words displayed like this with a root reference link to the word page (with URL variable root):
Vocabulary List for Philemon from words that occur at least 20 times
Lemma Frequency Definition ὁ 36 the, that σύ 24 you
4.4.4 Variables: Book, Freq, Flip=true
Selecting a Less than 20 link produces a similar list:
Vocabulary List for Philemon from words that occur no more than 20 times
Lemma Frequency Definition ὁ 36 the, that σύ 24 you
4.5 Bookmark
The bookmark page [cf. tutorial-custom] is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables left sidebar study panel bookmark link -> none bible page book, chapter, verse heading link -> URL: book,chapter,verse,source, altsources,altbooks,altchapters,altverses
4.5.1 No Variables
When invoked without variables it displays a list of bookmark links so that you may click one to return to a bookmarked bible page.
4.5.2 Variables: Book, Chapter, Verse, Source, ...
When invoked from the bible page with variables it sets a bookmark to return to later.
5.0 Extras Pages
5.1 Extras
The extras page is basically a stub with the following text:
Extras Please select an item from the menu.
5.2 Blog/zhubert
The blog/zhubert page is a portal to blog pages used by Zack Hubert to communicate to the users of this website.
5.3 Betacode
The betacode page [cf. tutorial-betacode] is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables left sidebar extras panel converter link -> none
The betacode page can be used to convert betacode to unicode. It returns fully parsed text so it can be used to fully parse some other Greek texts out there.
NOTE: THE CODE IS BROKEN for this page.
NOTE: a parser utility should definitely be developed that accesses the database to parse words on the fly. There will be several possible parsings for certain forms but that’s ok.
5.4 Customize
The customize page [cf. tutorial-custom] is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables left sidebar extras panel customize link -> no variables
It displays the following form from which you may choose to select a new size or type in any font you’d like to use:
Please choose the font size that you'd like to use. Default is +1.
Please enter the font name that you'd like to use when you're logged in. It isn't necessarily the name of the file, so you might have to experiment a little. Reset to Gentium or Code2000 if you are having problems.
Example font names are (but are not limited to):
- Cardo
- Vusillus Old Face
- Aristarcoj
- Galatia SIL
- Porson
NOTE: It should also mention DejaVu which is the Ubuntu font.
5.5 Usage
The usage page [cf. tutorial-usage] is invoked in the following ways by the indicated components:
Location Component -> Variables left sidebar extras panel usage link -> no variables
The usage page has bar graphs showing:
- Most Popular Books Being Read Here (last 7 days)
- Most Popular Translations (last 7 days)
- Avid Translators (last 7 days)
Clicking on the bar graph for a particular book in Most Popular Books will convert that chart into one showing Most Popular Chapters for the book. Similarly, clicking on the bar graph for a particular chapter will convert the chart to one showing Most Popular Verses for the chapter.
Down below the bar charts is where helpful stats are displayed if you're a translator on the site. It shows you how far you are through each of the books your have translated at least one verse in, and also shows all the translators on the site and their progress.
5.6 Todo
The todo page is a page listing possible enhancements to do to the website. It also has links to the following two pages:
The review-source page is used to review source updates.
The review-lex page is used to review lexicon updates.
NOTE: both of these pages are restricted access.
6.0 Miscellaneous Pages
6.1 Node/add
The node/add page is used to create content.
NOTE: this page has restricted access.
6.2 User/username
The user/username page is used to access a users account. It displays the following:
History Member for 33 weeks 4 days
A tab can be clicked to an edit page that allows you to change:
- username display
- email address
- password
- theme configuration
- block configuration: grammar help
- locale settings
6.3 Logout
The logout page is used to logout.
6.4 User
The user page is used to login.
The user/1 is for Zack Hubert. Similarly, all users are assigned a number for account access.
7.0 Web Tools for Designers
7.1 XML Interface
The XML interface [cf. tutorial-xml, wordpress-greek] is accessible through the following URL:
7.2 Daily Passage
The daily passage [cf. tutorial-daily] of the GNT can be obtained from in the following ways:
7.2.1 Javascript Daily Passage
The javascript daily passage can be implemented on a web page by using the following:
<script language="JavaScript" src="">
<a href="">View Passage of the Day</a>
7.2.2 Flash Daily Passage
The flash daily passage can be implemented on a web page with the following embed:
<embed src="" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height=300 width=200>
which looks like this:
7.2.3 Google Daily Passage
If you happen to use the personalized Google homepage, you can get this content as a module at google daily passage.
7.3 Remote Passage Chooser
The remote passage chooser [cf. tutorial-chooser] can be added to a web page by using the following javascript:
<script language="JavaScript" src="">
<a href="">zhubert bible reader</a>
The effect of using this form is to invoke the zhubert website’s bible page with the URL variables source and verseref.
- remote passage chooser -> bible page (variables: source, verseref)
NOTE: I am not sure that totally hijacking a site’s visitor like this is a good idea
7.4 Flash Remote Interface Plugin
The flash remote interface plugin [cf. tutorial-remote] can be implemented on a web page with the following embed:
<embed src=" 3:16" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height=600 width=800>
which looks like this:
The flash remote interface plugin has the same URL as the flash daily passage plugin above, but with a different value for the variable verseref and height and width variables in the embed -- which can be adjusted, even with the 100% tokens if you like. This plugin mimics the functionality of the bible page.
8.0 New Interface
The so-called new interface [cf. tutorial-remote] for is an XML Rich Internet application that uses OpenLazlo and Flash to mimic the behavior of the bible page. You can point your browser to its URL directly, or you can go to the new interface full page which has the following embed to it:
<embed src="" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width=100% height=100% >
9.0 Non-existant Tools
The following tools must be defunct:
booksstudy [cf. tutorial-book-detail] NOTE: THIS PAGE DOES NOT WORK! It is supposedly a very weird tool which shows all of the New Testament as a big pinwheel...